Refund Policy

Our mission is to make your business better through our knowledge and services.

This is how our refund policy works:

At Robtronic Media, we strive to provide exceptional services and frameworks to help our clients overcome challenges and achieve success. We stand behind the quality of our products and services, and your satisfaction is our priority. However, we understand that there may be circumstances where a refund is requested.

Please review our refund policy below for clarity:

Eligibility for Refund:
Refunds are only applicable for clients who have fully implemented our services and frameworks according to our instructions. To be eligible for a refund, clients must have followed all guidelines, completed all necessary steps, and made a genuine effort to apply our recommendations. Refund requests must be submitted within 7 days of the purchase date.

Refund Process:
To request a refund, please click the button below us and sent your refund request, including details of your purchase and implementation efforts. Upon receiving your refund request, we will review your case thoroughly to ensure that all our services and frameworks have been implemented correctly. If we determine that the implementations have been done successfully and in accordance with our instructions, we will process your refund promptly.

Right to Refuse Refund:
Robtronic Media reserves the right to refuse refund requests if we find that our services and frameworks have not been implemented correctly or if there is evidence of misuse or abuse of our refund policy. Refunds will not be provided for clients who fail to demonstrate genuine efforts to apply our recommendations or who do not meet the eligibility criteria outlined in this policy.

Limited Liability:
Our liability is limited to the amount paid for the services and frameworks provided by Robtronic Media. We are not liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use our services and frameworks.

Changes to Refund Policy:
Robtronic Media reserves the right to modify or update this refund policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website. By purchasing our services and frameworks, you agree to adhere to the terms of this refund policy. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our refund policy, please contact us by clicking the button below.