
Case Study Dropshipping Brand in USA - ROAS +400%

Mission: Scale as fast as possible while staying above ROAS +400%​

Case Study ROAS +400%

Hey there, it’s Robin from Robtronic Media, and today I’m thrilled to share a success story from one of our dropshipping partners in the United States. But first, let’s hear what our client has to say:

Client Testimonial:
“After a not-so-great experience elsewhere, I connected with Robin. We had a call, everything looked promising, and within days, our Google Ads account was fixed. The first campaigns went live, and within a week, we had our first purchases. Now, they manage our Google Ads and provide timely updates via Slack.”

Results Highlights:
– Planning to scale past $100K/month while maintaining a ROAS of 400%.
– Currently testing and optimizing with incredible early results – nearing an 800% ROAS.

Before & After:
Before partnering with us, our partner, Werner, faced challenges with a low-quality agency, poor communication, and weak results. We created a full stack Google Ads strategy for him.

How We Did It:
– Connected Data Points
– Crafted Effective Ad Copies
– Google Merchant Center Approval
– Onboarded and Established Communication Channels
– Implemented our ‘Done for You’ Framework

Communication Channels:
Our proactive approach involves constant communication through Slack channels. This keeps our client in the loop without needing to dive into the Google Ads dashboard.

Our ‘Done for You’ Framework:
– Cold Traffic (Search, Shopping, YouTube Campaigns)
– Brand Name and Competitor Campaigns
– Hot Traffic (Omni-channel Remarketing)

Prepping for Black Friday & Cyber Monday:
We’re gearing up for the big sales days with targeted campaigns, ensuring Werner maximizes sales during this crucial period.

Ready to Achieve Results Like These?
Let’s explore how we can be the right partners to elevate your Google Ads game! Click the button below to schedule a call.

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Break-even ROAS


Current average ROAS